Y Welcome to { http://www.devoted-hearts.blogspot.com }. Feel free to read and leave a message at the tagbox. Simple rules, no spamming and ripping. Hate us? Leave. Respect our thought pls. Thanks. :).
-We’re just normal girls with normal lives. so don’t assume our posts to be interesting each time.
Lilian. 14. 2.7.93. Likes to
laugh and joke around.
Unserious. Not a really sporty
person. Loves food&cats. Detests
onions&maths.Homebody person.
Shy. Nature relaxes me. Very vain.
Michelle. 29-11-93. Always regarded
as the middle person. Girly. Neat.
Childish. Serious at times. Needs
people to order food for her. Loves
her puchie& buchie&her dog,Snowy.
Hates being alone.
Maria. Youngest among us. 22594.
Very hyper. Serious when reading.
Likes history,shopping,tests&quizzes
and chocolates. Smartass. Hates
horny guys. Kiasu. Plays drums.
Cannot stand heat.
msn♥ask her!
last updated on17thAugust07.
Lilian's wishes -
% meet guagua in taiwan.
% be happy for 24 hours % get credit for BM
% pass end of year exams and promote to form3
% sims2 seasons.:)
% vaio laptop :D
% sushis xD
Michee's wishes -
% electric guitar
% small paha
% be friends with him. % new outfits/schoolbag
Maria's wishes -
% a new drumset
% find chocolate paradise
% pass end of year exams with flying colours
% travel the world
% see my bros graduate in Australia
% meet Joe Jonas!
basecodes: x
brushes: x Others: Adobe Photoshop CS
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I guess this is our last post bfor exams are over. stupid exams! x(
as you can see, we will be on hiatus. omg! its gonna be like november when we can blog and stuffs. but after exams, i will be readyy with a new NEW skin ^^!